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The Importance of the Canaan Dog

תמונות :  בר אהרון, יגאל פרדו


 Although according to scientific research of the last years, the dog may exist as a unique species separate from the wolf for as long as 100,000 years or more, and has joined man as helper and partner as much as 15,000 to 20,000 years ago or more. However, almost all the breeds that we are familiar with today are "artificial".  Man created, through selective breeding, over multiple generations and maybe thousands of years, dogs that would be suited to different and specific tasks – hunting, guarding, herding and more, dogs that were suited to various environments and weather conditions, and even for aesthetic reasons – what is beautiful to one may not be to another. The most ancient breeds among these creations exist for 5000 to 10000 years.  But some of the most popular breeds today exist only 200 to 300 years or even less.  Strict selection with the intention of creating special and very "typey" breeds, that fit a very specific breed description, brought about the creation of more than 400 breeds of "pure bred" dogs, and some of them have a very limited genetic base. 


We see today the influence in many breeds of the diminished gene pool, and in many breeds the discontinuance of breeding for the purpose of work, and instead are being bred as pets or show dogs only.  As a result of this, we see the development of more and more diseases, genetic problems, distortions, behavior problems, and similar effects that result in damage to quality of life, health, and longevity of the dog, and suffering and extensive costs to the owner.

The Canaan is the dog that nature created.He belongs to a very small group of "primitive dogs" or "pariah dogs" that in the past were found in most parts of the world, and today are becoming extinct and disappearing almost everywhere. (Other examples:the dingo of Australia, the Carolina dog from the swamps of South Carolina in the US, the New Guinea Singing Dog).  The primitive dogs are considered to be direct descendents of the original dog that became a partner of man tens of thousands of years ago, when the dog and wolf parted ways and the dog began coming close to human settlements.  The primitive dogs were never bred selectively.  The only things that influenced their appearance and behavior were nature and the ability to function and survive.

There is a lot of interest in the world today in primitive dogs in general and in the Canaan in particular.  From these dogs we learn a great deal about what a dog is – what the natural characteristics of the dog are, what his basic relationship to man is, what abilities, drives, instincts he possesses, his use of his especially keen senses, and more.  In addition, because the Canaan is a completely natural dog, and we breeders through the years have made a great effort not to change him, he, in contrast to so many other breeds of dog, is a very healthy dog, with great endurance, with a life expectancy of an average of 15 years or more, a dog with physical and mental abilities that allow him to function in a very efficient manner in a wide variety of areas, conditions, and tasks.

The Canaan is considered an Israeli breed.  This is the type of dog that developed in this specific area of the world and nowhere else.There are archaeological proofs of this, which show that the breed exists here for thousands of years – when the bible mentions dogs, it is the Canaan. The Canaan dog is recognized by the Israel Kennel Club and all world kennel organizations as an Israeli breed, and today there is breeding of the Canaan in many countries of the world.  There are few other primitive breeds that have achieved such widespread recognition. 

The Canaan is one of the few breeds in the world that still has a wide genetic base and the possibilities of inclusion of new bloodlines from the desert – there are still Canaans that are free living or semi wild in the south of Israel and Canaans that are working dogs with the Bedouin.  But these sources, as a result of the spread of civilization into natural areas, are disappearing and we are afraid that in a few years there will not be a population of dogs left in these areas.  It is very important that we now bring as many of these dogs in from the Bedouin and the free living population as possible.  Breeders of the Canaan dog throughout the world are interested in this subject and in the possibility of obtaining dogs of new bloodlines.  These dogs can only come from stock from Israel.

Throughout history, the Canaan dog was not developed through selective breeding and human choice, but through the survival of the fittest, the strongest, the smartest in their difficult environment. The Canaan developed and adapted to the necessities of the environment.  Over the years, puppies were caught and raised to be guardians.  It is essential to continue with the activities of bringing in new stock from the desert in the next few years, before they disappear. 

There are several possibilities for bringing in new bloodlines.  One method is to catch young puppies, before the age of three months when they have already developed suspicion and caution and can run away and disappear into the desert.  This can only be done with the cooperation of the Bedouin, who are aware of all the dogs in the vicinity and which females may have pups and where.

Another method is to capture adult dogs. This is a very difficult task and can be done only with the semi-wild dogs that are attached to the Bedouin, following them and their flocks.  These dogs are very suspicious and are almost impossible to catch.  They can, however, often be approached by the camp children.  With the help of Bedouin children, it has been possible to capture several dogs,  to domesticate them and make use of them in breeding.  One of the most impressive characteristics of these dogs is the relative ease of building a connection with them and domesticating them – in a very short time they develop a relationship of trust with the person caring for them.

The third possibility is to bring a Canaan bitch, from registered breeding, during her season, to an area where there are Bedouin dogs of a desirable type.  This is especially difficult due to the suspiciousness of these dogs which can be stronger than the sex drive.  But there have been several successes.

All dogs brought in from the wild or the Bedouin have to go through a procedure called “miun” before they can be registered officially in the stud book.  This includes an examination of the phenotype and it’s suitability to the breed standard, and DNA examination.  The area from which the dog was brought in is considered as to the possibilities of a mixed population, and if possible information about the parents of the puppy or dog if they are known.  To finalize the registration of such a dog in the stud book of the kennel club, a test breeding has to be done with a registered partner with a known pedigree, and the pups examined at nine months of age minimum.  A dog passing all these tests can be registered in the kennel club stud book appendix.  The fourth generation from this dog can be registered in the regular stud book.

The Canaan is a highly loyal dog and very devoted to his people and is excellent with the children of the family.  He is not interested in attention from outsiders and is suspicious of people he doesn’t know.  He is independent by nature and can’t be “bought”;  relationships with him are based on mutual respect.  Those who succeed in developing this relationship with a Canaan will discover a dog that learns quickly and easily and obeys out of a strong desire to cooperate with his people.

The Canaan is not a dog for everyone, and is usually not suitable as a first dog.  But those who have experienced life with a Canaan do not want any other breed.

The Canaan is a very healthy dog and rarely has any health problems.  He is hardy, does not suffer from weather conditions, requires a moderate amount of food, and is not hyperactive but does enjoy activity when it is provided. 

The Canaan Dog is a living heritage and national treasure and needs to be preserved, as he is, to teach us about what the original dog really was when it became a partner of man.

Canaan Dog

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